We offer our expertise to come up with the best solution for your business within your budget and we guarantee to deliver the best quality service at the best price possible.
All consumer behaviour studies show that consumers increasingly use internet-connected devices to enhance their offline shopping experience by:
According to a recent study by Google, every day we spend 4.4 hour of our leisure time in front of a screen which is spread among 4 primary devices; TV (33%), computer (30%), tablet (23%) and smartphone (14%). Where TV is reserved for big budget companies, introducing your brand on the rest of 66% of devices is possible for every budget! However, each of these devices has specific strengths and weaknesses which lead to a need for an online experience that allows users to fluidly move between devices to accomplish a task. They also provide different features and marketing channels that each are powerful and important to a business in its own way:
It’s crucial to every successful business to have a prominent presence on these platforms and to offer its clients a seamless and pleasant experience on any device of their choice, otherwise the business is going to be vulnerable to shift of users from one platform to another and miss out on many opportunities. However, seizing the opportunities to convert is the core of every business, creating customer loyalty and retention is just as important. A modern website or mobile app has to be:
A website with all attributes mentioned above, can help increasing customer loyalty and retention which ultimately leads to more conversion and better brand awareness. Having a mobile app in addition a modern website is another great investment as most marketers believe that nowadays the most valuable real estate is the home screen of the smartphones and every forward-thinking business has to live there via their branded mobile apps.
At Mobiblossom, we offer an optimized all-platform solution including a responsive website, a branded iPhone app and a branded Android app with free consultation sessions.
We guarantee your satisfaction by helping you to brain-storm your business ideas and advising you on all the technological needs and possibilities within your budget, to take your business or business idea to the next level!